"This is our first time at GIFA and we were optimistic. Our expectations were exceeded. By halfway through the fair, we had received 100 concrete enquiries."
"It's good to talk face to face with people about business again. We estimate that 90 percent of our stand visitors are international. Yesterday we had non-stop conversations."
"We develop, plan and implement customer-specific solutions in the areas of foundry technology, process engineering and energy technology. GIFA is therefore the ideal platform for us. We have been an exhibitor for 25 years."
"Our presence in Düsseldorf is image-enhancing. [...] Our presence at NEWCAST is a symbol that we will continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the future."
„Wir möchten unser Europageschäft weiter voranbringen. Unser Stand auf der Messe ist Anlaufpunkt für potenzielle Kunden. Wir sind optimistisch, dass wir in den nächsten Tagen eine hohe Frequenz an Gesprächen haben."